Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sad and angry

Rant warning: I am so angry and disappointed in our country. This morning, I should have just avoided the faceyspace altogether because my friends, people I love and respect have nothing but misguided, uninformed, racist, classist bullshit to spew forth from their cakeholes.

"Blame another religion but fuck your gun control you goddamned libtards."

"All lives matter"

Really? Prove it. Prove to me that ALL lives really matter. Show me you care as much about Black, Asian, Hispanic, Syrian lives as you care about your guns. Prove that women and children matter.

It's great that we can sit here behind our glass walls and touch screens and offer "thoughts and prayers" or blame another race or religion but who among us is doing anything about it? Who is writing letters to their congress people? Who is really making themselves informed about our government, laws, and the next group of presidential candidates? Who is gleaning and sharing information from reputable, fact-based sources rather than sharing "articles" from whatever radical publication seems to fit their particular mood that day? This goes for the liberal and conservatives among us.

STOP SHARING PROPAGANDA!! This is exactly how dictators and fascist leaders gain control of the sheeple. This is how millions of people have been gunned down, gassed, hung, bought and sold in the name of religion, politics or money.

Today, my heart hurts for community of San Bernadino and the families and friends of those who were mercilessly gunned down, wounded and forever changed by these events. My heart still hurts for the victims in Colorado Springs, and Sandy Hook and Columbine and all of these senseless, mass shootings. My heart aches for the families and communities who are reeling from the unnecessary killings of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Eric Harris, Sandra Bland and many more. My heart hurts for our country watching this happen day after day.

Put aside your defensiveness and bias. Be informed and educate yourselves. Love and support each other.

~Peace, J

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