Thursday, October 15, 2015

I'm starving...or...The fridge is fucking empty

I love to grocery shop. It's always been my excuse to ditch my kids and steal time to myself. I don't even care about the crazy-ass folks at WalMart, they give me something to watch while I'm perusing the aisles. I always run into someone I know and, yes, I'm that person blocking traffic to have a lengthy conversation with an old friend over an end cap of canned, green beans. Whatevs, go around us.

I also cook a lot and, up until recently, I had a home full of people to cook for. My fridge and cupboards were always stocked, running low on provisions meant I could only put together a 2 star meal rather than a 4 star spread. I'm going to start sharing some recipes and ideas for quick, week-night dinners here soon...stay tuned. Aneeways, back to my story.

Today I ran home for lunch, I opened my fridge and I was absolutely taken aback by the starkness that met me in that cold, white box. My fridge is fucking empty, like bachelor empty. I have an extensive collection of condiments and dressing in the door and virtually nothing else of any palatable value. I'm surprised the whole damn thing hasn't fallen over forward from that door being so laden with ketchup, mustard, sauces and green olives (because bloody marys and dirty martinis, duh).

With just myself and the boy in the house now, I have, apparently, given up. If he told me tonight that there is nothing to eat, I wouldn't even be able to argue with him. I would just be like, "Yep, you got that right, my friend."

Tomorrow is payday, this weekend, a 1-2.5 hr trek to the nearest reasonable town to grocery shop. We will eat like kings, but not today. I believe "struggle" is on the menu tonight. What can I make with 2 old hot dogs, 1 slice of swiss cheese and a freezer burnt half-loaf of french bread? I may just drink my dinner tonight ~ Peace, J.