Sunday, August 2, 2015

This road trip called life

It only took me a few days to quit reaching for someone who isn't there,  to quit waiting for a text that isn't coming,  to stop hoping for an apology that isn't going to happen.  Ten days ago, life took another major fork in the road.  The last ten months have been challenging at best. A lay off,  a move,  new job,  step children and now the break up.

The break up was sudden and I was blindsided.  That's how one should feel when their significant other of 2.5 years sneaks out in the middle of the night to abscond with their lousy ex who they've claimed to hate. The real sting came in finding out they had been planning it for weeks. In finding out I really didn't know this guy and he's a really shitty human being. Things hadn't been great the last couple months. His kids coming to live with us was a huge strain on us. He is a non - communicator,  so trying to adjust to two small children in the house was not easy. His young cousin also joined the fray. He helped with the kids at first then went back to his street hustler ways and was being irresponsible,  dishonest,  even criminal. I told him he needed to leave and that was about the time my ex decided he also needed to leave.

They waited until I left for the weekend to my mom's. They grabbed their clothes and went and picked up the baby mama and the kids and took off for Louisiana. I found out from a couple of their family members the next day. I've not heard a word from him. I had a few rough days,  I had to tell my son. He was heartbroken. He adored my ex. What kind of chickenshit coward does that to a kid!? My son is such a great kid,  he cried then sucked it up and realized we don't need that kind of shit in our lives.

So,  now we're stuck. Financially,  physically but not emotionally.  It will take me a little time to catch up financially,  but he didn't break me.  It will take a little longer to leave this town,  but he didn't break me. It took a little time to get over him,  but he didn't break me. I will trust again,  I will love again and he is nothing but Griswold's baggage blowing off the roof of the station wagon, left on the side of the highway on this road trip of life.


  1. "Griswold's baggage blowing off the roof of the station wagon, left on the side of the highway." Excellent description! I'm glad we're to the bashing stage of this break-up. Let me know when you're ready for the voodoo doll.

    1. After today, he gets no more of my attention. I'm done. Piss on him.
