Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Pull yourself up by your bra straps!

I started  this blog with a bang,  then I slacked,  because that's who I am and that's what I do.  I never thought I'd say this,  but,  I need to write.  It's cathartic,  it's therapeutic,  it's calming. I'm a master  at talking people down from their ledges, I fucking suck at listening to my own reason.

This is about taking  chances,  leaps of faith. You really won't get anywhere or learn anything new if you don't try new things and risk it all once in a while.  I don't like living in a stagnant pond. I would much rather live at the bottom of a waterfall, churning,  foaming,  constantly flowing,  dynamic. I get bored,  I get burned out.  I like new challenges.

If you follow or know me,  you know that last year,  after 10 years of employment,  my company was swallowed up by a corporate whale and I was Gepetto or Pinnochio. Stuck in the belly of the beast until I was informed I was being laid off,  they were blowing me out their blow hole like a giant snot bubble. I took it as a challenge,  do something big. I worked out a great opportunity in the middle of an oil boom. Why not?  Great experience,  great money,  definitely a new challenge. Then,  6 weeks later,  the oil market tanked. Life in this crazy little town ground to a halt and with it,  the money,  the opportunity,  the promise.  Poof,  gone. I knew I could tolerate this small town if I was making big money and busy. I'm not and  I'm not. My nearest Starbucks is an hour and a half away. Yeah,  I'm that chick,  I don't fucking care,  I want a fucking caramel macchiato and I want it Right. Fucking. Now!!

If I were talking to me,  I'd tell me not to be down on myself,  I didn't make a mistake,  I took a chance. It didn't pan out. You can't win every bet. You're stronger and wiser for it and you've experienced some new things. Now pull yourself up by your bra straps and get  back on that fucking horse and pull your wagon to the next stop!  Everything happens for a reason,  right?


  1. Well of course everything happens for a reason... Good material for your book!

  2. "Blowing me out their blow hole like a giant snot bubble." --I've always loved your descriptive writing. Wonder who will play you in this movie? If its a cartoon, I hope Ellen DeGeneres does the voice-over. She was great in Finding Nemo. And she can speak whale!!!!

  3. Oh and, I do feel a little bad, I'm ironically sipping Starbucks while reading this. Karlin too.

  4. I dislike you immensely for drinking starbucks
